Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Been a while

So things that have happened.  Audrey and I hightailed to Weimar for the weekend and that was an adventure in itself.  The train there wasn't bad at all. Lots of empty seats and the fact that the train wasn't air conditioned didn't matter.  It wasn't THAT warm.  Stayed at a hostel, Jungendherrberg if you're in the know, and that was a fun story.  I felt like we were Mary and Joseph.  By that I mean everything full in the city, and as far as I know Audrey wasn't preggers with the new baby Jesus.  Well the Hostel that we ended up staying at was about a kilometer outside of the city.  Not a long walk by any means.  The city was fun to walk through and visit.  We spent a lot of time in the Gardens around the city and visited the Lizt house and the City Museum.  Other than that it was "which Schiller Straße do I need to be on, and which Goethe (Fill in the Blank) do I want"

Naming aside they really do love Schiller and Goethe there, well who can blame them.  The two greats of German literature lived within walking distance.  We went to the StadtMuseum and I asked about a discount for students, and the women behind the counter reamed me out for asking.  She went on about how the Goethe house is €8,50 and that this museum was a deal already...

After some more walking around we went to the hostel and called it a night after getting some food.  Photos to follow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011



It was fun and there are lots of pictures, click to see after the jump

Friday, May 13, 2011

Have not Updated in a while

So may things have happened since the first day.

1.  We have a new teacher in my class, who may or may not be the German Julia Child, and I mean Maryl Streep playing Julia Child as I have no idea about her cooking abilities.

2. Audrey and I visited the Botanical Gardens run by FU, Freie Universität.  Things I have learned:
       a. Science stays the same in Germany, it still works here
       b. Don't let me near a Garden with a Camera
       c. the Bees in Germany are super tame and nice

3. The German youth seem to be mainly made up of Hipsters and the more absured one dresses the better one fits in.
          - I got some super awesome German cloths, and the all too important German food.  You know that Germans put enough random information on their soda bottles that you can calculate its specific heat if you really wanted to.

4. The Goethe institut offers a lot of really cool Cultural Programs, so far we have heard about Goethe, Weimar (the City and Culture), Weimar Republik and a bit about German culture.

5. I keep getting addressed in German, cool and a little odd, I guess I am doing something right.

Monday, May 2, 2011

First Day at the Institut

First it would be awesome if I was going to the Xavier Institute For Gifted Youngsters, but the Goethe Institut is good anyway.  Took a placement test, had a writing sample taken, interview, blood offering... the whole nine yards.  It is much colder than I would have thought here, I mean the low was just above freezing and the high was not much more than 50. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finally Settled In

So I got into my new digs about 2-3 hours ago.  I can describe it as being Seattle style old building loftyness, but in Germany.   This room is huge, think 2 doubles put together and then another two on top of that.  Giant windows and I get to creep on the building courtyard, winning.  So I am sort of forced to deal with the idea of sleeping up high.  My bed is at least 2.5 meters off the ground, but I am happy to say that like Alma and those good old dorms I can hear everything through the walls.  

Bis Bald

Audrey's Freak Out and The Farty Italian Lady

So Audrey is feeling much better, she is coming down from her Adrenaline Rush that we had earlier.  Also on a lighter note, or stinkier, there was this Italian woman sitting in front of me.  In addition to laying in my lap she passed gas like nobodies business.  So I am going to use this as a teaching experience between me and the masses.  I used my science and found that gases diffuse the same way at 60,000 feet.  Also two airplane pillows between our heads Audrey and I demonstrated a 3rd law pair.  Yay Physics!!!

Detroit to Amsterdam

Even though this entry is time/dated as being tomorrow/later today, I figure I’ll say this now.  It is 11:45 in Michigan and that means it is almost 6 am in Germany.  Audrey and I have watched our fair share of free movies on this flight.  It is only now that I realize that I have not slept yet even though I’ve only had a few hours sleep.  Also it is kind of disheartening to hear that we still have another 4 hours left in this tiny metal tube, but hey what can I complain about…I’m(We’re) going to Germany for two months.  I know I get to live with Hippies and other young people who are much too cool to associate with anyone but people in their own state of mind.  I kid, I kid… mostly

We’ll See you in Amsterdam and hopefully I’ll have sometime to talk (type? ... Not too clear on the lingo) later if I am not comatose.  Also Kim, and Natie by your liking of facebook statuses, I know I am quite lame.

 So ... our plane was late into Amsterdam and because we had to go through customs and security we were too late for our flight to Berlin.  They booked us on a different flight because of this and we won't end up landing until closer to 4:00.  So now we have a nice layover in Amsterdam and We are in the World Club with business class seats.  Only a minor freak out.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Plane Flight Saturday

So Audrey and I are starting our trip on Saturday. We'll have awesome airport photos on Saturday and hopefully there will be first day in Berlin Photos on Sunday.  Yay!!!  Cue excitement